- What’s wrong with the Christianity most people practice?
- Most people’s Christianity is self-centered.
- Self-centered motives are wrong, no matter how noble they seem.
- Satan WILL defeat us if our focus is on ourselves.
- So...what is the right reason for seeking God?
- Motive is the key to Motivation.
- What is the HIGHEST reason for seeking God?
- Christianity is not about us...it’s about God!
- We must seek God for His sake, not for ours.
- Having a deeper desire for God Himself is what life is all about.
- What changes should we make toward God TODAY?
- Spend more time every day.
- Learn to REALLY talk to God every day.
- Learn more about God every day.
- Set goals for growth in obedience to God every day.
- Begin to practice sacrifice for God everyday.