
Hebrews 11:1-6
  • What’s wrong with the Christianity most people practice? 
  1. Most people’s Christianity is self-centered.
  2. Self-centered motives are wrong, no matter how noble they seem.
  3. Satan WILL defeat us if our focus is on ourselves.
  • So...what is the right reason for seeking God?
  1. Motive is the key to Motivation.
  2. What is the HIGHEST reason for seeking God?
  3. Christianity is not about’s about God!
  4. We must seek God for His sake, not for ours.
  5. Having a deeper desire for God Himself is what life is all about.
  • What changes should we make toward God TODAY?
  1. Spend more time every day.
  2. Learn to REALLY talk to God every day.
  3. Learn more about God every day.
  4. Set goals for growth in obedience to God every day.
  5. Begin to practice sacrifice for God everyday.