The Life of Christ: Blessings Everywhere -Ephesians 1:3-23
1. God has blessed us. (v. 3)
A. We are chosen. (v. 4)
B. We are loved. (v. 4-5)
C. We are adopted. (v. 5)
D. We are set free. (v. 7)
E. We are forgiven. (v. 7)
F. We are heirs. (v. 11)
G. God’s Spirit. (v. 13-14)
H. God’s power. (v. 19)
2. God has blessed us through Jesus. (v. 3)
A. These blessings that we enjoy are not available to everyone.
B. God has a predestined plan.
C. God’s plan was in place from the beginning.
D. God’s plan continues in the present.
E. God’s plan will succeed.
F. God’s plan is good for God.
G. God’s plan is good for us.
E. God’s plan revolves around Jesus.
3. God’s blessings require a response from us.
A. Praise.
B. Thanks.
C. Growth.
D. Submission