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SCRIPTURE: John 12:32 (NLT) - "And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself."
PRAYER FOCUS:  All people in our neighborhood to be drawn to Jesus
 Have you ever been talking to someone, yet they cannot keep their eyes focused on you?  Like any little movement or noise has their attention?  And let's not mention if their phone is nearby; "how rude!".  Oh wait, what if you are that person?  Are you guilty of doing all those things when in conversation with another person?  Sadly, our spirituality and conversation with Jesus may not be any different?
   Another question for you; What happens in your conversations when you give someone complete eye contact, when you listen to what they have to say, and when you refuse to look at every single notification on your phone?  Do you think you tell them they are really important to you?  What about your conversation with Jesus then?  If we were to give Him complete eye contact (Ps. 5:3 in NKJV), listen to what He has to say (Ps. 95:7, Heb. 2:1, 3:7, 15), and refuse to be distracted (Lk. 10:40), not only will this affect us individually, it will role over to our interactions with others and help us to draw others, especially in our neighborhoods!  Let us pray; "Father, how easily our attention is drawn away from You, and it shows.  Unfortunately, our neighborhoods have fallen victim to where the enemy has drawn their attention to and even Your churches.  Draw our attention to You, for Your purpose, for Your will and away from our own.  Send us out into Your Harvest to be Your hands and feet for the Gospel, for which You have called to be ministers of.  I pray that You would bless us indeed with Spirit-fueled power to be bold where You have placed us and that You would increase our territory.