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SCRIPTURE: Matt. 9:36-38 (NLT) -  36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” 

PKs POST: One version of Scripture says v.37 like this; "Jesus understood what an awesome task was before Him".  Implying, what an awesome task is before us  Admittedly, I don't get excited about going up to someone I don't know from Adam and saying, "hey, have you heard of Jesus?"  Yet, I don't shy away from the opportunity that is placed in front of me, because that may not be how I evangelize someone?  What if seeing people and acknowledging them, with something as simple as a "hello" and smile, could open an opportunity to have compassion or for a prayer request is a means to evangelize?  Furthermore, Jesus challenges our perspective because He sees such great opportunity, and yet, we constantly ask Him for one?  What if we are the answer (we are that worker to be sent out) to our own prayer?  If fear, or something else prompts you to not follow through, check it against The Spirit, God's Word, and His ways so that it isn't your self-sabotaging ways keeping you from being the worker you were called to be.  Our opportunity is great every TODAY that we have!
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, forgive Your children for the many missed opportunities that we've had, and now, TODAY, help us to quit asking for more and instead open our spiritual eyes to see others like Jesus did and the vast opportunity that is in front of us.  Holy Spirit, teach us to recognize that we are the Light, a world desperate to see needs, each and everyday, as long as it is called TODAY.  May we not see people with earthly eyes, yet with spiritual eyes and be thankful for any and all people you place before us so that we bring in Your harvest.  Give us perspectives, like Isaiah and Samuel, for which we say, "Speak Lord, your servant is listening, and here I am Lord, send me!"
FOOD DANIEL 8: Apple-Cinnamon Hot Cereal -